Finally! Here we go…

A few years ago, Candice and I started working on a film about her life.

Her childhood, her family, her cancer, her mother, her story. Her biggest wish around the film was to finally be able to tell her own story in her own words.

I have a great deal of footage or her and I have, finally, started to put things in motion that will allow her to tell her own story in her own words. In May I will start working with an editor to shape her story.

I am deeply saddened that we weren’t able to complete this while she was still alive, but trust she will find solace in knowing that it’s getting done.

In the Summer of 2014, a year before she passed away, we spent two months working tirelessly on a kickstarter campaign. We didn’t raise our full budget, but once the campaign was done we raised enough to get started and film some of her journey (including meeting up with her brother five decades after she last saw him).

I have enough left to employ someone for 3 weeks, but I would like to be able to double that and spend 6 weeks putting a rough cut together.

If you would like to contribute to this endeavor, the website is still active here. It’s time to get this film finished.

Thank you for your help and for sharing this link!

2 thoughts on “Finally! Here we go…

  1. I have the utmost respect for Candice…I would love to help. The skills I have are website related. I have this one as a reference My Credit Unions. If I can help let me know.


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